Organization of the SFR Bonamy

The SFR Bonamy's governance is based on :

  • the SFR Council, the decision-making body (one meeting every 1 to 2 months)
  • a Steering Office (one meeting per week) including
    • a director: Laurent Beck (DR Inserm, UMR Inserm 1087/CNRS 6291)
    • a coordinator: Anne-Catherine Chasles (IE Nantes University)
    • four members: Sophie Conchon (CRCN Inserm, UMR Inserm 1064), Malvyne Rolli-Derkinderen (DR CNRS, Inserm UMR1235), Laurent Maillet (CRCN Inserm, Inserm UMR1307 / CNRS UMR6075) et Vincent Sauzeau (CRCN Inserm, Inserm UMR1087/CNRS6291)
  • a Platform Comitee (one meeting every 3 months) and different specific Working Groups

The Steering Office works in close collaboration with the SFR support team members and mission managers.

Mis à jour le 17 April 2023.