Presentation of the SFR Bonamy

The SFR Bonamy is labeled the University Hospital and Nantes University.
It federates all the research laboratories in Nantes.
It manages and participates in the development of the site's technological core facilities, in particular those labeled IBiSA and/or Biogenouest.

Roles of the SFR Santé

  • To strengthen and develop technological facilities through efforts to rationalize and mutualize both equipments and human resources,
  • To contribute to the elaboration of a policy for the development of biomedical research in Nantes
  • To develop communication between Nantes research structures and the communityat large, economic development (creation of start-up companies), dissemination of scientific knowledge and training, in relation with its institutional partners.
SFR Bonamy provides access to a complete chain of equipment and skills, from basic research to pre-clinical and then clinical trials.

A research actor

SFR Bonamy is a member of several different decision-making bodies:
  • the Comité de recherches en matière biomédicale et de santé publique (CRBSP) of the University Hospital of Nantes
  • the  Surface and Platform Management Committee
  • Biogenouest, an interregional network of technological core facilities in life and environmental sciences

It is also represented in several bodies:

  • the scientific Council of the Faculty of Medicine of University of Nantes
  • the Conseil Consultatif Régional pour la Recherche et le Développement Technologique (CCRRDT) and the health Committee of the Région Pays-de-la-Loire
Mis à jour le 17 April 2023.